Curriculum Vitae
Contact Data
Leon K. Martin
Falckensteinstraße 10
10997 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 1577 1576339
Personal Data
Date of birth: 12.06.1996
Place of birth: Nuremberg, Germany
- German (native)
- English (fluent/C1-2)
2023 - Graduand Student (Dr. rer. med.) at Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany
2022 Master thesis: “Mapping statistical search results from biomedical knowledge discovery tools onto common brain parcellations” (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Petra Ritter, Dr. Konstantin Bülau)
2019 - Study of clinical psychology (M.Sc.)
Freie Universität Berlin
GPA: 1.2
2018 - 2022 Study of neuroscience (M.Sc.) at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
GPA: 1.0
2018 Bachelor thesis: “The influence of instrumental music on the implicit power motive and activity inhibition” (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver C. Schultheiss)
2014 - 2018 Study of psychology (B.Sc.)
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
GPA: 1.2
2006 - 2014 Graduation: Abitur (A-Levels)
Wolfram-von-Eschenbach Gymnasium in Schwabach, Germany
GPA: 1.0
Work Experience
2021 - Research Fellow, Dept. Neurology, Brain Simulation Section
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) / Charité University Medicine Berlin
2020 - 2021 Student Research Assistant, Dep. of Neurology, Brain Simulation Section
Charité University Medicine Berlin
2020 Research Assistant, Dep. of Neurology, Group: Music Evoked Brain Plasticity
Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
2020 Research Assistant, Chair of German Linguistics (Dialectology)
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
2019 - 2020 Research Internship, Dep. Neurology, Group: Music Evoked Brain Plasticity.
Advisor: Dimitra Kandia, Tom Fritz
Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
2019 - 2020 Student Assistant, Excellence Cluster NeuroCure & Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany
2018 Research Assistant at the Chair of Psychological Diagnostics, Differential and Personal Psychology
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
2016 - 2018 Research Internship at the Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Advisor: Christian Aljoscha Lukas
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen, Germany
2015 - 2017 Student Research Assistant at the Chair for Experimental Psychology, Motivation and Affective Neuroscience
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany
Poster Presentations
Martin L., Stefanovski L., Bülau Konstantin, Kodamullil A. T., Jacobs M, Hofmann-Apitius M. (2022). Decoding spatial patterns of amyloid-beta PET using TVBase – a tool for mapping biological knowledge onto a 3D brain atlas. SfN Neuroscience 2022, 11.15., San Diego
Sep. 2022 The Virtual Brain in Clinical Research (Summer School 2022) [YouTube]
May 2021 Young Researchers Event 2021 – EBRAINS for next-generation brain medicine [link]
June 2021 McGill Summer School: The Virtual Brain lecture and workshop [link]
June 2021 TVB-EBRAINS Integrated Workflows - 5th Virtual Workshop [link]
March 2021 TVB-EBRAINS Integrated Workflows - 4th Workshop [link]
Jan. 2021 Virtual Course “Personalized Multi-Scale Brain Simulation” [link]
Certified assistant for trauma therapy with refugee children and adolescents (Festland e.V.)
Certified coder for implicit achievement, affiliation, and power motivation [According to Winter, 1994] with extensive coding experience (>3000 PSEs scored)
2021 Youth work
Zentrum ÜBERLEBEN, Berlin
2020 Trauma therapy for children and adolescents with experiences of displacement
Festland e.V.
2020 - Acute drug emergency aid, psycho-social support, and psychoeducation
Eclipse e.V., Berlin
Berlin, January 26, 2023 Leon Martin
Social Engagement